News & Events
المجلس الأعلى للسكان وشيرنت الأردن يعقدان لقاءً إقليميًا حول تضمين الصحة الإنجابية في مناهج التعليم حسب المراحل التعليمية
    نظم المجلس الأعلى للسكان وشير نت الأردن لقاءً إقليميًاً لعرض ومناقشة منتجات معرفية أُعدت من قبل خبراء تربويين من جمهورية مصر العربية والجمهورية اللبنانية والمملكة الأردنية الهاشمية، وتم تمويل إعداد هذه المنتجات بمنحة من الشيرنت العالمي، وتتعلق هذه المنتجات بالحاجة وبالسبل لتضمين مفاهيم الصحة الإنجابية في مناهج التعليم بصورة متدرجة بحسب التطور ال ..

Higher Population Council and ShareNet Jordan Launch Fact Sheets on Sexually Transmitted Infections and HIV/AIDS
  The Higher Population Council and ShareNet Jordan have launched fact sheets addressing topics related to sexual and reproductive health during a meeting held yesterday, Sunday, with representatives from relevant national entities. The fact sheets, prepared by the Higher Population Council and ShareNet Jordan in collaboration with experts from the ..

The Higher Population Council Holds an Annual Meeting for ShareNet Jordan Members and Partners and academics in the southern governorates
  The Higher Population Council and ShareNet Jordan organized a two-day workshop as part of the annual meeting for ShareNet Jordan members and partners, including officials and academics in the southern governorates. The first workshop was held at Al Hussein Bin Talal University, attended by the Vice President for Administrative Affairs, Dr. Mohammad Al-Rsa'i, and ..

"The Higher Population Council" holds the annual meeting for Share-Net Jordan members and partners and launches a policy brief and fact sheet on C-S deliveries and sexual enhancers
  The Higher Population Council (HPC) and Share-Net Jordan held its annual meeting on Monday, July 22, 2024, and launched a policy brief and fact sheet on cesarean deliveries and sexual enhancers in Jordan. The event coincided with the HPC celebration of the World Population Day in July. The Secretary-General of the HPC, Professor Dr. Issa Al-Masarweh, presented ..

Regional conference on comprehensive sexual education and integrating sexual and reproductive health concepts into school curricula
Regional conference on comprehensive sexual education and integrating sexual and reproductive health concepts into school curricula The regional conference on comprehensive sexual education and the extent of integrating sexual and reproductive health concepts into school curricula commenced its activities on Monday, April 22, 2024. The conference was organized b ..

Launch of new policy papers on adolescent girls and boys’ sexual and reproductive health issues and needs in Jordan
In an extensive meeting held on Monday with the participation of a large number of representatives of concerned national governmental bodies, non-governmental and international organizations, United Nations agencies, civil society and academics, the Gender and Adolescence: Global Evidence (GAGE) programme, in cooperation with the Higher Population Council and ShareNe ..

The Supreme Population Council holds a meeting to launch the parents’ guide and awareness film in the field of sexual and reproductive health, and announce the results of the media competition on the components of sexual and reproductive health.
The Higher Population Council, in cooperation with Share-Net Jordan, held a meeting on July 24, 2023 to launch a parents' guide and a film to educate children in the field of sexual and reproductive health and to announce the results of the media competition on the components of sexual and reproductive health. Attending the meeting was a number of stakeholders and me ..

The Supreme Population Council organizes a training workshop for the pharmacists sector on “Specialized Family Planning Counseling”
The Higher Population Council, in cooperation with the Pharmacists Syndicate and the Ministry of Health, and with the support of Share-Net Jordan, organized a training workshop specialized in consultation on methods of regulating childbirth/ family planning. The workshop, which lasted for three days, was designed to increase the knowledge of pharmacists on ways to ..

"The High Population Council" and ShareNet Jordan hold two workshops in the southern region
The Higher Population Council and Share-Net Jordan conducted two workshops in the southern region of the Kingdom. The first workshop was held on May 17th, 2023 at the Princess Basma Centre for Human Development in Aqaba Governorate. The second workshop was held at Al-Hussein Bin Talal University in Ma’an Governorate on May 18th, 2023. The first workshop aimed to in ..

Share-Net Jordan Annual Meeting (Knowledge Platform for Sexual and Reproductive Health SRH)
The Higher Population Council held its annual meeting for members of Share-Net Jordan (Knowledge Platform for Sexual and Reproductive Health) with concerned national institutions, Thursday, May 4th. The meeting came within the framework of keeping up partners well informed on developments regarding the knowledge platform. His Excellency Dr. Issa Al-Masarweh, HPC Se ..

The Higher Population Council is looking to expand the work of the Knowledge Platform for Sexual and Reproductive Health in Lebanon and reproductive rights (Share Jordan) at the regional level
The Secretary-General of the Higher Population Council, Prof. Dr. Issa Al-Masarouh, and the Director of the Studies and Policies Unit in the Council, Ali Al-Mutlaq, made a working visit to the Lebanese Republic, which lasted for several days, for the purpose of discussing with the parties working and concerned with sexual and reproductive health issues about expandin ..

The Higher Population Council launches a media contest on the components and issues of reproductive and sexual health
The Higher Population Council and Share net Jordan launched an information contest on the components and issues of reproductive and Sexual Health, which are represented by the topics (eligibility and readiness for Marriage, Family Planning, safe motherhood, HIV / AIDS), Menopause, adolescence, gender-based violence and family violence. The council stated in a press ..

Dialogue meeting between the General Secretariat of the Higher Council for Population and senior officials of the Ministry of Local Administration
The Secretary-General of the Higher Population Council, Prof. Dr. Issa Al-Masarouh, and his assistant, Rania Al-Abadi, met with the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Local Administration, Eng. Hussein Muhaidat, in a dialogue meeting in which the Director of the Comprehensive Development Planning Directorate, the Acting Director of Organization, and the Director of ..

The Higher Population Council and the Pharmacists Syndicate organize a scientific meeting about the role of pharmacists in reproductive regulation services in Jordan
The Higher Population Council and the Pharmacists Syndicate held a scientific meeting with the participation of a number of pharmacists registered in the Pharmacists Syndicate from various governorates. The meeting opened by the President of the Pharmacists Syndicate, Dr. Mohammad Al-Ababneh, who affirmed the syndicate’s openness to national institutions and local co ..

Holds a training course for media professionals entitled: practical applications for the employment of Media Arts in supporting demographic and developmental issues
The Higher Population Council, in cooperation with the United Nations Population Fund, will hold on Wednesday a training course for a group of media professionals supporting demographic and developmental issues from various media outlets, entitled: practical applications for the employment of Media Arts in supporting demographic and developmental issues. The two-da ..

Launching the knowledge platform for Reproductive Health for young people "Derby"
The Higher Population Council launched the knowledge platform for Reproductive Health for young people "Derby", during the ceremony held on Wednesday with the participation of relevant national authorities. The platform, established by the Higher Population Council with the support of the United Nations Population Fund, aims to raise awareness among community member ..