The Higher Population Council (HPC) and the Knowledge Platform for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Reproductive Rights (SRH&RR) ( ShareNet Jordan ), hosted by the Higher Population Council, intend to hold a regional conference for joint knowledge production and funded by ShareNet International on comprehensive sexual education and the extent of integrating sexual and reproductive health concepts into school curricula in the period 22-23/4/2024 in Jordan, as part of ShareNet ShareNet Jordan’s commitment to expand its efforts to work at the national and regional levels to exchange information, experiences and expertise among the countries of the region in this field.

This conference provides broad opportunities for participating members to exchange experiences among themselves and enhance their capabilities in this field. Participation in this conference will allow applying for research grants within the regional context. The conference is expected to be an important
platform for participants to cooperate, exchange experiences, and participate in creating knowledge products based on scientific evidence, which will play a pivotal role in supporting policies and practices in the field of comprehensive sexual education at the national level in the countries of the region.

Experts from Morocco, Egypt, Tunisia, and Lebanon, in addition to Jordan, will participate in this conference. Each participant will present his or her paper supported by scientific evidence about the reality of comprehensive sexual education in his country, his evaluation of his country’s experience in this field, and the extent of the need to integrate sexual health concepts. in the school curricula in his country.