About Conference

This regional conference comes as a tool for knowledge translation, as the conference is expected to provide broad opportunities for participating members to exchange experiences among themselves and enhance their capabilities in this field. Participation in this conference will allow applying for grants within the regional context, and the conference is expected to be an important platform for participants. With the aim of cooperating, exchanging experiences and participating in creating knowledge products based on scientific evidence, which will play a pivotal role in influencing policies and practices in the field of comprehensive sexual education at the national level in the countries of the region.

Morocco, Egypt, Tunisia, and Lebanon, in addition to Jordan, will participate in this conference.
Participants will present their papers supported by scientific evidence on the reality of comprehensive sexual education and the need to integrate sexual health concepts into school curricula in their countries.

A local expert contracted by the Higher Population Council and ShareNet ShareNet Jordan will work to follow up the five countries in preparing their reports and prepare a narrative report on the reality of comprehensive sexual education and the integration of sexual health concepts into school curricula, based on the scientific evidence contained in the reports of the participating countries.The review aims to Narrative of the experiences of the participating countries to transform the knowledge and evidence related to comprehensive sexual education and the integration of sexual and reproductive health concepts into the school curricula of the countries participating in the conference (Jordan, Morocco, Egypt, Tunisia, and Lebanon) and documented in the reports of the participating countries into new knowledge products that contribute to identifying knowledge gaps and evaluating Lessons learned, providing insights into key challenges and recommendations for improving policies and practices in sexuality education and integrating sexual and reproductive health concepts into school curricula. 

Tasks of the participating experts from the five countries
Preparing a narrative review report in the field of comprehensive sexual education and the extent of integration of sexual and reproductive health concepts into the school curricula in each participating country, which includes the following:

  • The development of the country’s experience in integrating the concepts of sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights into school curricula.
  • The reality of integrating the concepts of sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights into the school curricula (at the level of all textbooks and classroom and extracurricular activities) as well as programs to develop teachers’ capabilities in this field of sexual education in the school curriculum.
  • Areas of sexual education and basic concepts in the school curricula according to age levels and developmental stage of life.
  • Methods of implementing (including) sexual education in the school curricula. (As well as
  • clarifying whether it is an independent subject or integrating the concepts into several academic courses and specifying them).
  • The outcomes and competencies that the sexual education program aims to impart to students.
  • Evaluating the country’s experience (challenges and successes achieved).
  • The country’s future aspirations for integrating sexual education into the school curriculum.

The Regional Cocreation Conference offers a dynamic and inclusive platform for stakeholders from various sectors, including education, health and civil society, to engage in expert-led sessions on comprehensive sexuality education topics, participatory workshops and dialogues. These sessions aim to share knowledge and evidence on comprehensive sexuality education in the region. Through collaborative brainstorming sessions, participants will devise effective ways to implement comprehensive sexuality education and advocate, with a particular focus on addressing systemic barriers to it.